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i met the tough woman

Here I am, in front of my laptop, trying to express something. First of all, I’m thankful that I’m single. Take the positive side, being single means being useful for others.

This Sunday after being polar bear is complied, my agenda is visiting the new mom, my best friend. At the first day of delivering her baby, she looked so quiet and sometimes smiling once. Looked so happy, made everyone around her feel so envy, and wish that can be the person as she was. So do we, her best friends. We had desire to get baby soonest, but her mom said don’t turn around its orderliness, which means that we must be married first then having a baby.

Today, I met her with her blue face. She’s got baby blue syndrome. Can’t stand to blockade her sadness, suddenly tears dropped. She’s cried. I had no idea about her sadness, just letting her release it to be shared.

She was so confused and so stress due to her new condition of being a new mom and being still being a wife. Of course, she is married. But the word wife really means when her husband has been suffering chicken pox. This bad condition turns her become so depressed. She think that everything that should be the great part, the happiest part of her new life, but suddenly become its opposite.

She should adapt of being awake in the late night for taking care their new little new charming baby. A few days after she delivered a baby, she passed it together with her husband. Those few days became run so smooth, since she had partner beside her, accompanied her passing through the night. It ran so smooth as they expect. Then when they were so happy of their new roles, her husband got chicken pox. And its smoothness change into disaster when her husband could not accompany her. Stress hit her again when she’s back to her house and found the water supply & air conditioner were broken and everything was in a mess.

Tears flowed. Felt that how life jumped into so hard. Felt so alone and nobody around. She realized that its so irrationally, since she stayed at her mother’s home and got her mom’s assistance of taking care her new baby.

Tear of missing her husband much due to her husband must be isolated for his cure.
Her husband should not meet their baby for a few days. She missed to say that we’re a perfect family, missed to hold & hug him limitless. Actually, she want to but she could not. Thought that disease may transferred to and affected their baby. It’s better to postpone all desire till everything turn to normal.
Being sick also made her husband quiet sensitive not only she was not allowed her to take care of him but also her husband felt so guilty when many thing broken, and assumed due to him.
At that time, she was so calm and calm her husband down.
I was proud of her, in this condition when everyone became so frightened, she decided to be the calm one and put confidence to her husband that everything was under controlled and would be okay soon. She concealed her frighten down.
When there’s unfavorable condition happened, there must be someone to stay calm and handle everything to make it under controlled, and there she was.

As I’ve thought, she’s the tough woman.

Jeng, I’m sure you CAN pass it successfully and someday you’ll tell us how to be a survivor.


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